home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <WIZIF LCase(Transition) eq 'box in'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 0>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'box out'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 1>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'circle in'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 2>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'circle out'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 3>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'wipe up'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 4>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'wipe down'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 5>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'wipe right'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 6>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'wipe left'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 7>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'vertical blinds'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 8>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'horizontal blinds'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 9>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'checkerboard across'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 10>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'checkerboard down'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 11>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'random dissolve'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 12>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'split vertical in'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 13>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'plit vertical out'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 14>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'split horizontal in'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 15>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'split horizontal out'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 16>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'strips left down'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 17>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'strips left up'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 18>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'strips right down'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 19>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'strips right up'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 20>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'random bars horizontal'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 21>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'random bars vertical'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 22>
- <WIZELSEIF LCase(Transition) eq 'random'>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 23>
- <WIZSET TransitionType = 23>
- </WIZIF>
- <!-- This slide-show can be properly viewed only with IE 4.0 -->
- <!--
- dim switchEnabled
- dim curSlide
- dim slideCount
- dim autoSwitch
- curSlide = 1 ' first slide
- slideCount = $${SlideCount} ' number of slides
- autoSwitch = <WIZIF AutoSwitch>True<WIZELSE>False</WIZIF> ' automatic slide show
- sub Window_onLoad()
- dim i
- for i = 2 to slideCount
- document.all.item("slide" & i).style.visibility = "hidden"
- next
- switchEnabled = True
- if autoSwitch then
- SwitchSlides()
- end if
- end sub
- sub SlideContainer_OnFilterChange()
- switchEnabled = True
- if autoSwitch then
- SwitchSlides()
- end if
- end sub
- sub SwitchSlides()
- if switchEnabled then
- switchEnabled = False
- SlideContainer.filters.item(0).Apply()
- SlideContainer.filters.item(0).Transition = $${TransitionType}
- document.all.item("Slide" & curSlide).style.visibility = "hidden"
- curSlide = curSlide + 1
- if curSlide > slideCount then
- curSlide = 1
- end if
- document.all.item("Slide" & curSlide).style.visibility = ""
- SlideContainer.filters(0).play()
- end if
- end sub
- ' -->
- <WIZSET ContainerStyle = ''>
- <WIZSET ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle & "position:" & Position & "; ">
- <WIZSET ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle & "left:" & Left & "; ">
- <WIZSET ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle & "top:" & Top & "; ">
- <WIZSET ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle & "width:" & Width & "; ">
- <WIZSET ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle & "height:" & Height & "; ">
- <WIZSET ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle & "filter:revealTrans(duration=" & Duration & ", transition=" & TransitionType & "); ">
- <WIZSET SlideStyle = ''>
- <WIZSET SlideStyle = SlideStyle & "position:absolute; ">
- <WIZSET SlideStyle = SlideStyle & "left:0; ">
- <WIZSET SlideStyle = SlideStyle & "top:0; ">
- <WIZSET SlideStyle = SlideStyle & "width:" & Width & "; ">
- <WIZSET SlideStyle = SlideStyle & "height:" & Height & "; ">
- <WIZSET SlideStyle = SlideStyle & "font-family:verdana; color:silver; font-size:14pt; ">
- <WIZSET xSTYLE = DefaultCase( 'STYLE' )>
- <WIZSET xTYPE = DefaultCase( 'TYPE' )>
- <WIZSET xDIV = DefaultCase( 'DIV' )>
- <WIZSET xID = DefaultCase( 'ID' )>
- <WIZSET xCLASS = DefaultCase( 'CLASS' )>
- <WIZSET xONCLICK = DefaultCase( 'ONCLICK' )>
- <WIZSET xIMG = DefaultCase( 'IMG' )>
- <WIZSET xSRC = DefaultCase( 'SRC' )>
- <$${xSTYLE} $${xTYPE}="text/css">
- <!--
- .container { $${ContainerStyle} }
- .slide { $${SlideStyle} }
- -->
- </$${xSTYLE}>
- <!-- slide container -->
- <$${xDIV} $${xID}="SlideContainer" $${xCLASS}="container" $${xONCLICK}="VBScript: SwitchSlides()">
- <WIZLOOP index="i" from="1" to="$${SlideCount}">
- <!-- slide $${i} -->
- <$${xDIV} $${xID}="Slide$${i}" $${xCLASS}="slide">
- <WIZSET ImageContentParam = 'ImageContent' & i>
- <WIZSET HTMLContentParam = 'HTMLContent' & i>
- <WIZIF ParameterExists( ImageContentParam )><WIZIF Evaluate( ImageContentParam & ' neq ''''' )
- ><$${xIMG} $${xSRC}="$${Evaluate( 'ImageContent' & i )}">
- ><WIZIF ParameterExists( HTMLContentParam )>$${Evaluate( HTMLContentParam )}</WIZIF>
- </$${xDIV}>
- <!-- If you add manually additional slides, customize the slideCount setting in
- the VBScript code above. -->
- </$${xDIV}>
- <WIZIF not AutoSwitch>
- Click on the slide ...
- </WIZIF>